Employee Categories

Employee Categories

On this page, you will be able to see all categories of your employees and view if their Status. You can create, edit, and inactivate categories.
Use the button to create a new employee category for your company.  
You can edit by clicking on the button  or set a category as Inactive by clicking on the button .

Once you had clicked on you will fill in this information.
Note that fields marked with " * " are required fields.

When selecting the employee categories type, pay attention to the following:
  1. FXG LH Driver: This will enable mygroundforce to track this employee on the settlement and include the employee on the Daily Plan (dispatch) feature.
  2. DOT Compliance: This will enable CLD and DOT Med compliance workflows for the employee category.
  3. Non-driver: The employees in this categories will not be included on the daily plan (dispatch) feature, they will not have compliance information as mandatory on their registry.

PTO settings is merely informative, workflows for this feature are not yet working.

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