Expenses Registry

Expenses Registry

On the Expenses Registry screen you can register other business expenses not registered on the FedEx Linehaul Settlement, so you will be able to register, track, and manage all business expenses.

You can filter records by date, vehicle number, or expense category 

On the header, you can select up to seven columns to see

By clicking on "Default report Columns" the system set the default columns.

Use the buttons Excel, PDF and Print to export the report in the chosen format.

By clicking on this button, you can register a new expense.

The Category field loads all categories previously created on the Expense Category feature. The Category Type and Category Unit will automatically load information according to the Expense Category data.
Remember that you can always edit this information by clicking on this button on the previous screen.
Note that fields marked with a red asterisk " * " are mandatory.

If you have an expense that will recur over a period of time, select the frequency you want to record from the dropdown, whether it's monthly or weekly.

Then, choose the day of the week or the day of the month.

Next, specify in the "Repeat Until" field until when you want this expense to be repeated.
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