This article will show you how to add several MMRs at once, using the import feature. 1. On the left side menu of the screen, click on Vehicles. 2. Then, click on MMR. 3. Now click on Create. 4. Finally, click on Import ...
This help article and the video below will explain how to import expenses using a spreadsheet. This allows mygroundforce users to create multiple expenses at a time. On mygroundforce, use the left-side menu to access Finances >Expenses Registry. At ...
Besides adding vehicles one by one on the Vehicle Registry screen, it is possible to add several vehicles at once by importing information from an XLS/XLSX (Excel file extension) template. Only XLS/XLSX (Excel format) files can be imported. Here you ...
This article will show you how to add several records to the Employees Registry at once using the mygroundforce import feature. 1. On the left side menu of the screen, click on Employees. 2. Then, click on Employees Registry. 3. Now, click on ...
Here you will learn how to create one monthly maintenance record at a time on mygroundforce: On the left side menu of the screen, click on Vehicles. Under the Vehicles menu item, click on MMR. Under the MMR menu item, click on Create. On the Create ...