The Linehaul Flat rate feature allows users to set a Flat Rate for runs listed on the Linehaul section of the Weekly FedEx Linehaul Settlement that do not meet the criteria set for Shuttle runs.
You can add a new Flat Rate for a linehaul run by clicking on "+ Add", edit an existing record by clicking the Edit button
or deactivate a record by clicking on the trashcan icon
The origin and destination stations are retrieved by the system from the Customer Stations Registry (left-side menu option Operations > Customer Stations). Therefore, before adding a record in the Linehaul Flat Rate feature make sure you have previously registered the Customer Station you are about to select.
On this feature, there's also an option to import a flat rate table using a spreadsheet. To perform this click on the Download Template button, open the downloaded file, then fill in the file following the instructions contained on the file's header. To import the spreadsheet click on the button Import and select the file to upload your Flat Rate Table to mygroundforce.
Note that some fields are marked with red " * " those fields must be filled.
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