How to Set Up Pay Rate Per Day Payroll Payment
Entity Payroll Settings – These same settings will be automatically applied to all drivers in the entity.
Select the settings for Linehaul, Shuttle, and/or Spot SOLO Trips, according to your preferences.
Below is an example of settings for a fixed amount for each day the driver is shown on the settlement for SOLO Linehaul trips (the same can be configured for Shuttle and Spot trips by clicking the respective tabs on the screen).
Save Your Settings
● Don’t forget to click Save after making any changes.
How It Works in the Payroll Report
When payroll is generated, the Pay Rate Per Day value will be added to the total amount for SOLO trips of the selected type (Linehaul, Shuttle, or Spot) for each day or mileage it applies.
Exceptions to the Calculate Per Day by the number of Days Showing Solo Runs on the settlement setting:
If a driver completes a trip that lasts more than one day, and the settlement reflects this trip in two separate lines (one for each day), the driver will be paid two daily rates, one for each day.
happens because the system relies solely on settlement data, which does not
show that these lines are part of the same trip. Moreover, the settlement does
not show the number of hours worked each day.