mygroundforce offers users the ability to calculate days of diem in two different ways:
- Counting days drivers show on the FedEx Linehaul Settlement for Linehaul Team Runs.
- Adding the total number of miles shown on the FedEx Linehaul Settlement for Linehaul Team Runs.
Below is a step-by-step breakdown of the counting days drivers show on the FedEx Linehaul Settlement for Linehaul Team Runs calculation process:
Identify the Number of Days Worked as a Team Driver:
Check the Settlement to determine how many days the driver worked on Linehaul trips as a team driver ( checking if the truck is a sleeper), where payment is calculated per mile.
Apply the $80 Rule:
Multiply the number of days the driver worked as a team driver by $80.
For example: If the driver worked 3 days as a team driver, the calculation would be:
3 days x $80 = $240
Adjust the Total LH Payment:
Subtract the calculated $240 from the total LH payment value shown in the Settlement.
The resulting amount is transferred to the Per Diem payment category, while maintaining the overall payment total.
Example Calculation:
- Total LH Payment on Settlement: $699.40
- Team Driver Days: 3 days
- Calculation for Team Driver Days: 3 x $80 = $240
- Adjusted LH Payment: $699.40 - $240 = $459.40
- Per Diem Payment: $240
- Total Payment (LH + Per Diem): $459.40 + $240 = $699.40
This process ensures that the total payment remains the same while properly categorizing the amounts under LH and Per Diem as per the $80 rule.
This step-by-step guide will walk you through configuring per diem settings for drivers in mygroundforce. You can apply these settings at either:
- Entity-level configuration: Navigate to Organization > Entity Registry > Actions > Payroll Settings > Linehaul, or
- Employee-level configuration: Apply the settings individually for each employee (as shown below).
Step 1: Access the Employee Registry
- Log in to your mygroundforce account.
- Navigate to the Employee Registry.
- Select the driver you want to configure per diem.
Step 2: Edit Payroll Settings
- Click the Edit button next to the selected driver.
- Go to the Payroll Settings tab.
- Scroll down to the section titled Payroll According to Settlement Trips (Linehaul).
Under this section:
Set a Pay Rate Per Mile:
- Enter a value for Solo trips.
- Enter a value for Team trips.
Step 4: Enable the Per Diem and Overnight Rate
- Check the box labeled Pay Per Diem overnight rate
Step 5: Selecting Team Per Diem Payment Type (Choose One)
Select your preferred method for paying the per diem overnight rate:
- Calculate $80 overnight Rate by the Number of Days Showing Team Runs on the settlement.
- Calculate Based on Team Run's Settlement Miles - All team Linehaul trips miles for this driver will be summed and divided by the daily threshold miles, rounded down to a maximum of 7, and then multiplied by the per diem overnight rate.
Step 6: Verify Payroll Report
- On Wednesday, when the payroll report is generated, the per diem values will appear in the Per Diem Column.
- These values will be highlighted and calculated according to the per diem amount.
If you have any questions or need help, please contact us at