1. On the left side menu of the screen, click on Reports.
2. In the Payroll report group, click on Payroll Report.
3. To create a reimbursement payment click on the "+" that is in the Reimb column in the line of the employee you want to create the reimbursement for.
4. In The pop-up window, the two fields show information for the selected employee.
5. In the Payment Type field, you must choose whether it will be a payment addition or a discount (reduction) to the employee's salary.
6. The next field "Payment Description" must be filled in with a brief description of the payment.
7. The Payment amount field is where you can add the dollar amount that will be added or discounted from this employee's salary and click on the orange button "Add Payment".
8. To delete a previously created reimbursement payment click on the red "Delete" button.
9. It is possible to add as many payments as you want, just add it with "Add Payment", to edit a payment after adding it, just click on the Payment Description.
10. To save added payments, click on "Save", if you do not want to add any more payments, click on Cancel.
11. After clicking save, the total amount of the payment will be calculated and will appear instead of the "+", if you want to add more payments to the same driver, just click on the amount and repeat the process.