Employee Registry
How do I Configure the Pay Rate Per Day Payroll Method
This payment is based on settlement data and can be configured the same for all drivers of a certain Entity (Entity Payroll Settings), or differently for each driver (Driver Payroll Settings) for Linehaul, Shuttle, and Spot SOLO trips. If you wish to ...
Information on Location field
Starting February 7th, 2023, the field Location on the Employee Registry will be mandatory. mygroundforce users need to fill out this field before this date. Otherwise, the system will automatically fill in this field with the information from the ...
Employee Registry
On the employee registry page, you can see your organization's employees' data, you can download our template to fill automatically this information, or import your own. To Edit or see an employee's information in detail click on the button . To ...
Employees Registry Import Feature
This article will show you how to add several records to the Employees Registry at once using the mygroundforce import feature. 1. On the left side menu of the screen, click on Employees. 2. Then, click on Employees Registry. 3. Now, click on ...
Overtime Rate for Non-Driver Hourly Employees
This article will show you how to use the Overtime Rate on non-driver employees' Payroll Report. 1. On the left side menu of the screen, click on Employees. 2. Then click on Employee Registry. 3. Choose the Non-Driver employee to set up their ...
PTO error message when adding an employee
The PTO adjustment should be done in the category of the respective employee. You need to go to "Employees Categories", edit the respective category, then properly adjust the values in the "PTO Settings" tab of employee category, and click on "Save". ...