The Vehicle Registry feature allows you to track vehicle records and enable mygroundforce vehicle-related workflows (Daily Plan-Dispatch, Annual Inspection Expiration Report, MMR, and more).
On this page, you can create new vehicle records one by one by clicking "+ Add" or import a file containing vehicle records.
You can also filter by the regions you've previously created using the new "Region" filter, which displays only the active regions.
At each vehicle row, you can change records by clicking on

you can change its status or other information . By clicking on

you will INACTIVATE a vehicle record.

Note, you can also export the information from this feature in the formats PDF, Excel, or Print
To facilitate identification, there's also a filter field named "Non-FedEx Vehicle." When selected, it enables usage within the "Vehicle" grid filter in the maintenance and report tabs.
By clicking on " + ADD" you can add vehicle records.
You can also view the service orders previously created for this vehicle in the "Work Order" tab.

Note that fields marked with a red " * " are mandatory.
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